Hogar la Providencia

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S. & V.

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S owns a fruit orchard in the mountains of Southeast Asia. He and his family minister to an unreached minority group.


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B. was an intern at Tenth before returning to Thailand where he works as a church planter among the Karen (pronounced kə-REN) people.

N. & L.

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N. & L. live and work at an art studio in Africa where they are building relationships with other artists and learning the local language.

F. & N.

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F&N minister to people in the Middle East through media ministry. N works as a graphic artist and F serves as the Director of Media.

C. & K.

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C&K have been serving in Asia for over a decade. They continue to serve faithfully despite drastic changes to their vision. They strive to establish healthy and encouraging discipleship relationships with the people around them.

They currently work in the home office of their sending agency.

Pray for courage, comfort, and wisdom as they continue in the ministry to which they have been called, despite many friends being called home. Pray that their children would find the support and friendships they need.

H. & B.

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H. & B. work at a K-12 school in the Middle East for expatriots. Becky works in special education and does occupational therapy consults about once a week.

Neil & Wannee

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Koji & Marcia Esaki

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Koji and Marcia serve through personal network building (friendships and Bible studies), church building and translation of church planting materials in Osaka, Japan. Works with training church planters.

Moses & Eunice

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Moses teaches at China Reformed Theological Seminary in Taiwan. Eunice does biblical counseling and provides pastoral care for pastors’ wives.