We were all created for worship. It is our highest calling, the most important part of our lives.  Nevertheless, it does not come naturally to us. It is something that must be learned. Tenth Nursery strives to encourage the worship of God through providing a safe, loving place for children while their parents worship free of distraction. While caring for the children, we hope to introduce them to their covenant family and to the compassion of their heavenly Father. We look forward to the time when the children will join their families in weekly worship.

Our Arms Are Open to All Children

Children eight weeks through two years are cared for in the nurseries off of Reception Hall. Two and three-year-olds are cared for on the first and second floors (respectively) of the Carriage House. We ask that children who will be attending regularly enroll for the appropriate group below. 

All Ages Care for the Children

All life stages meet in the nursery! Children are cared for by grandparents, other parents, married couples, individuals, and teens. All volunteers serving the children are members of Tenth and have been screened and have completed the background checks required by the State of Pennsylvania. An adult is always in the room. We encourage all parents to join in the caregiving. “Many hands make light work.”

If you are interested in volunteering, learn more and begin the application process here

Illness Policy

We ask that you do not place your child in the nursery if they have:

  • Fever over 100° F
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Runny nose or cough less than 5 days
  • Possible eye infection (e.g. pink eye or crusty discharge)
  • Listlessness or lethargy without
  • other symptoms of systemic illness


When a child is dropped off at the nursery, please check your child in using the Touchscreen.  If you're new, a volunteer will be happy to help.  Once checked in, two or more stickers will print. The first is your child's nametag, and the second is a claim ticket you will need to bring with you when you pick up the child.  If we need help with your child during the service, we will text you.  please make sue your phone is on vibrate, not silent. 

In the event that the church must be evacuated, do not return to the nusery for your child. Exit the building yourself as you are directed. The nursery staff will evacuate your child. Once outside you will be given instructions on where to meet your child. Please understand that attendance must be taken before any child is released to their guardian.

Erin Millar

2 Year Old Bible School

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

3 Year Old Bible School

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

Afternoon Childcare

Evening Nursery

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

Nursery – 11am – 8 weeks to age 3

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

Nursery Registration

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

Nursery Volunteers

All children who come through our doors experience loving care, a safe and encouraging environment, and early teaching about Jesus.

Special Event Childcare

Childcare for specific special events.