All children through 6th grade are welcomed to join the Coffee Hour Choir starting Sunday, January 26 at 10:20am-10:50am in...
Tenth’s Communicants class is a membership class for students who would like to become full communing members of our congregation....
Be part of a unique orchestra program! Tenth Youth Orchestra is a wonderful opportunity for string players, ages 7 to...
Our Children's Bible School Graduation is June 8, 2025! Even if you do not typically attend a 9am class, we...
Sunday, September 8, 2024 ◦ 9am – 10:30am ◦ In the Past
We were all created for worship. It is our highest calling, the most important part of our lives. Nevertheless, it...
Sundays ◦ 9am ◦ Carriage House ◦ Brooke Bonett, Clara Hofman, Julia Kurtz & others Sundays ◦ 9am ◦ Carriage House ◦ Brooke Bonett, Julia Kurtz, Erin Millar & others Sundays ◦ 2pm ◦ Delancey, 1 East ◦ Internationals ◦ Israel Sanchez Lafuente & Sandra Leal Sundays ◦ 6:30pm ◦ Reception Hall Check-in ◦ Karen Kelley & Erin Millar Sundays ◦ 11am ◦ Carriage House ◦ Leslie Thompson & Erin Millar Sundays ◦ 9am ◦ Cribroom ◦ Karen Kelley & Erin Millar Sundays at 9am, 11am & 6:30pm ◦ Karen Kelley, Leslie Thompson & Erin Millar Carriage House ◦ Kelci Rose & Suzannah Waddington