Grade 11 & 12 Bible School

By / Sundays at 9am, through June 1, 2025

Parents’ Prayer Ministry

If you are the parent of a teen or adult child who is walking in rebellion against the Lord, you might feel alone—perhaps even hopeless. Finding other believers to pray with you about your child’s situation can be intimidating.

Tenth is starting a group for parents of “prodigal” children. The purpose of the group isn’t to find advice or answers. The purpose is to create a safe space for parents to be known in their sorrow and fear and to pray together for the Lord to have mercy on their children, and to turn them back to himself in repentance.

If you’re interested in being part of this prayer group, confidentially email Executive Minister Tim Geiger here.

Men’s Discipleship Group

Struggling with sexual temptation or sin can prove discouraging, even devastating, to a man’s walk with the Lord and his relationships with others in his home and in the Body of Christ. Tenth is starting a group starting in January to help men who struggle sexually, helping them to come into the light of truth and repentance while at the same time helping them rely on the Lord and not on their own strength to do so.

This is called a discipleship group rather than a support group because the focus is on helping men understand God’s grace applied to them through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. It is, after all, God’s grace that is meant to lead to our repentance (Romans 2:4).

If you are a member or attender of Tenth, age 18 or older who would like help and encouragement in walking in repentance, please prayerfully consider becoming part of this group. You may confidentially email Executive Minister Tim Geiger here.

Saturday Women’s Workshop

The first Women’s Saturday Workshop will continue the conversation with Dr. Kevin DeYoung, from last evening’s Theology Night, regarding God’s blueprint for men and women to flourish as we embrace our respective God-ordained callings. Come spend a morning with other women, and discover, despite our sin, how the grace of the gospel renews men and women to embrace God’s good and complementary design, both in marriage and the church. Registration is $5 per person which includes a delicious Brunch.

Winter College Retreat

Join Tenth College Fellowship on January 24-26 for our winter retreat in Lewiston, PA. The Beautitudes of Matthew 5 turn everything we think we know about blessing upside down. Join us as we dive into Jesus' profound vision for His followers, discovering how true blessing is found in humility, mercy, purity and peace. This will be a time of deep spiritual growth and rich fellowship.

All undergraduate students and college-aged individuals are welcome to register.


  • Friday, January 24 – 3:00 PM – Depart Tenth
  • Sunday, January 26 – 5:00 PM – Return to Tenth


  • Separate male and female lodgings.
  • $70 for food and rooming.


  • Lewistown, PA

Congregational Forum

By / Friday, February 28 at 7pm – 10pm

Join members of Tenth’s Session to hear a statement of the Session on the GRACE Report and Confession to the Congregation.

Gibson Family Lunches

By / Sundays at 1pm

Come have lunch with Dr. Gibson and his family to get to know them.  Please bring your own lunch. Families with young children are greatly encouraged to come (please register kids, as well)!  Registration is required and capped at 35 attendees.

Jesus Explored

Jesus Explored is a 4-week course on who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him. 

Please join us for a free meal, a short presentation on Jesus, and a time to have your questions answered.

January 13 – "Jesus and Forgiveness"

January 20 – "Jesus and a New Beginning" 

January 27 – "Jesus and What You Love Most"

February 3 – "Jesus and Hypocrisy"

If you would like to explore who Jesus is, this course is for you!

Budget Forum

Communicants Class

By / Sundays at 9am, through February 16, 2025

Tenth’s Communicants class is a membership class for students who would like to become full communing members of our congregation. This is a 9-week class that meets at 9am during the 2024 – 2025 Winter Bible School quarter. 

Classses will be held: Dec 8, Dec 15, Jan 5-26, and Feb 2-16. (No class Dec 22 or Dec 29). 

The Communicants class:

  • Prepares students to make a viable profession of faith
  • Provides students with background about their spiritual heritage
  • Informs students of the requirements of church membership

Lesson topics include the gospel, Christian worship and living, Reformation history and theology, and church involvement.

Each student writes a testimony of how they came to faith in Christ in preparation for their verbal testimony to the elders at the end of the class. Students also write an essay about why they would like to become a Tenth member.