Sunday Highlight: Fellowship Bible Study

by David Apple November 22, 2013

“If my sins will keep me from getting into Heaven, then how will I get there?”

Fellowship Bible Study (FBS) students (homeless/poor men and women) ask this question and many others like it. While many of our Bible students are churched, they lack sound Bible teaching and seek gospel truths.

In addition, FBS leaders seek to help our guests cope with living in a bad environment, offer friendship and trust, and try to establish relationships. Besides studying the Word, the male and female leaders provide good food, rest for weary souls, fellowship, and strengthening of those relationships.

Here is what one leader shared about her experience. I have to be honest with you, I was ready to quit after attending only one Fellowship Bible Study. I asked God, “What can I possibly do here? What do I know about a homeless and addicted population?  I’m not going back!” The Lord responded with an emphatic, “You’re going to show up.” Being hard-headed, I continued to argue with him and he continued to lay it on my heart that all I needed to do was to show up. So, I went, and as I walked along, I prayed for his will to be done. 

As I was walking and praying, I saw a female Bible student from FBS. We walked to the study together that day, and the rest is history. We became fast friends, sharing life’s struggles and caring about each other. As our friendship grew, I began to see that she and I had more in common than I ever realized. Sure, externally we’re dramatically different: our ethnicities, addresses (or lack thereof), our resumes (or lack thereof), and our recreational activities were different. But our hearts, our minds, and our personalities were strikingly similar, and especially our need of a Savior.

That is why I stayed with FBS: to share the good news of God’s transforming grace. 

For anyone who would like to share God’s word and a meal with others, FBS meets Sundays (except the 2nd Sunday of the month) from 4:00-6:30 pm in Tenth’s Catacombs. FBS also meets Fridays at 7:00 pm at Woodland Presbyterian Church, 42nd and Pine.

FBS provides a great opportunity for you or your small group to serve. The opportunities are: providing music for the hymn sing prior to the study, leading the Bible study once a month, sharing the gospel and your testimony with our guests, helping with meal preparation, and helping with clean-up.

The most important way to serve, however, is to come alongside someone who doesn’t know Jesus and make him known. For more information or to volunteer, contact me at

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