The 2020 Annual Report will be posted as a series of Tenth Press articles over the coming weeks. This is one of those articles.

Consisting of both Teaching and Ruling Elders, the Session of Tenth rejoices in the Lord for his continued faithfulness to the congregation throughout 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The elders continue to seek to fulfill their responsibility to provide for the spiritual and administrative concerns of the congregation, and they praise the Lord for the ways he is working in the congregation through the ministry of his church.

Throughout this past year, the Tenth congregation has been blessed by the faithful expository preaching of God’s Word. Our senior minister, The Rev. Dr. Liam Goligher, concluded his series of sermons from Ezra and Nehemiah, preached a series from the Psalms on Sermons for a Time of Crisis, and began an exposition on the book of Revelation. Sunday evenings Gavin Lymberopoulos preached from Matthew and Enrique Leal preached from Thessalonians at the newly timed 1 PM Internationals Outreach service. Others who shared in the preaching included the following: Carroll Wynne, John Park, Greg Hobaugh, and John Fesko.

The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper schedule was changed to be administered once a month across all services, and it was also served at multiple outdoor services in the parishes. The sacrament of baptism was practiced multiple times throughout the year.

The Session is grateful for the godly leadership of strategic ministries at Tenth: Enrique Leal (Mercy Ministries), Carroll Wynne (Pastoral Care), John Park (Small Groups and global partner care), Jared Cochrum (Tenth College Fellowship), Colin Howland (Music), Dora McFarland Phan (Maranatha), The elders also deeply value and appreciate the ministry and work of the support staff.

We also praise the Lord for the faithful and sacrificial giving of the congregation throughout this past year to meet the many ministry needs at Tenth and throughout the world. The elders were active in the parishes throughout the greater Philadelphia region, leading and overseeing Bible studies and small groups and providing opportunities for fellowship, spiritual counsel, and accountability. At the end of 2020, these individuals were under the care of the Philadelphia Presbytery: Bernard Aubert, Colin Howland, William Kinkle, Ren Lai Li, Matthew Megill, Travers Oliver, Joe Park, Jacob You.

Tenth interns during the 2020-2021 year were Emily Barka (TCF); Carlos DiCarlo (Mercy); James Gardner (MCO, TCN); Roman Gonzalez (Immigrant Outreach); Gregory Grant (TCF, TCN) Rudy Heuer (Music, TCN); Phil Macurak (Immigrant Outreach); Isaiah Smith (IO); Josiah Vanderveen (TCN).

As we mark the end of another calendar year at Tenth, let us each commit ourselves anew to walk by the Spirit in a manner worthy of the Lord, and may our Lord Jesus Christ be greatly praised as our Great Shepherd and Head of his Church.

© 2025 Tenth Presbyterian Church.

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