Every year, the Global Outreach Commission seeks projects for the Easter Sacrificial Offering (ESO) at Tenth. This long-standing tradition is a humble attempt to echo the great renewal we celebrate at Easter, as Jesus defeated death and began the process of making all things new. By giving sacrificially to these projects, we hope to continue the renewal of God’s people around the world. Each project is connected to Tenth global partners and ministers to people currently experiencing great need. Allow me to introduce you to the ministries we are supporting this year.

The Aftermath – Pastors in the Middle East

A man stood, his hand intertwined with his wife’s, looking out at the fallen buildings, broken shop windows, and smashed cars. In the distance, he could see the tents of the people displaced by the earthquake which shook the country a week before. It was time to reach out; time to bring these hurting people the everlasting hope that surpasses earthly needs. Pushing back his tears, brought on by personal loss, he began speaking to the people passing on the street. He heard their stories: missing children, spouses, parents, friends, nowhere to live, nowhere to get water. Where he could, he helped with practical needs; when he could, he offered prayer and the hope of salvation. This work continued for weeks, which turned into months. This pastor, who never had any formal pastoral training, found himself faced with theological questions that delved deeper than he was prepared. He began reaching out to other pastors in his area who were going through the same issues. They found a Tenth global partner willing to find a way to get them the education they need, while continuing ministry, to better love the people they serve. The Global Outreach Commission hopes that your donations to the Easter Sacrificial Offering will help grow this little seminary into a ten-course program that will provide immediate encouragement and guidance to these pastors ministering among the many earthquake victims in the Middle East.

A Refuge – War Refugees in Northern Africa

Zahra let the heavy burden fall from her shoulders and plopped on the ground. For weeks her family had been running from the war spreading through their country. They had barely slept, eaten little, and walked farther than she imagined possible. But today they were safe. They had crossed the border out of their country, and they were finally out of harm’s way. Or so she thought. It turned out that there was a new challenge ahead of her. The few things she and her family had carried with them out of Sudan were not enough to sustain them. They asked the people around them for places to sleep, food to eat, clothing to wear, and occasionally medicine for the illnesses that ravaged their bodies after the long journey. But repeatedly they were turned away by the neighbors in the predominately Muslim community.

Zahra’s story is not unique. Many Sudanese refugees tell the same story. But there is hope for them! This year we will be sending a portion of the Easter Sacrificial Offering to provide for the medical, nutritional, housing, and educational needs of these refugees. Christian brothers and sisters in the area will deliver this practical help. Historically, this practical help opens a way for the gospel to take root in hearts, especially when the Muslim community has not been as compassionate.

A Final Step – Los Olivos Church in Colombia

Over the past few years, Tenth has been supporting a church plant in a poor neighborhood in Colombia. They are building a new sanctuary so that the congregation can comfortably gather for worship and for their mission to become more evident and inviting to those who pass by their doors. This year, the sanctuary is in its final stages, and we hope to use the Easter Sacrificial Offering to help them complete the work they started years ago.

Thank you for prayerfully considering giving to the ESO. Please stay tuned next week to hear about our other two projects. You can give online here.

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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By Julia K.. © 2025 Tenth Presbyterian Church. Website: tenth.org