Proverbs 25:4-5
Take away the dross from the silver,
and the smith has material for a vessel;
take away the wicked from the presence of the king,
and his throne will be established in righteousness.
At times, it is very easy to believe that evil in the world is not restrained. Is there any control on the extent of evil, or is Satan having free rein? Does God in any way keep any boundaries on evil?
Proverbs 25:4-5 continues from the previous verses to offer us wisdom about the honor of a king (ruler); specifically that the ruler is endowed by God to confront evil and to deal with it. This is what the ruler ought to do. The text speaks about “dross” being taken away from silver by the force of fire (vs. 4), and the dross of a nation being taken away by a ruler (vs. 5). As silver is purified by ridding it of the impurities, so a nation is made more pure by a ruler dealing with evil. The honor of a ruler is that people can live in peace and harmony free from the encroaching evil of man’s desires. This is a ruler’s God-ordained purpose, and if he does not deal with evil, God will (Psalm 119:119). An honorable ruler deals with these matters, and God’s blessing will be upon that nation (vs. 5b).
Thus, evil in our world is restrained by God’s “servants” who often see their own advantages in such actions, when in realilty, God's greater purposes are being accomplished.
Let us be mindful to respect and pray for rulers in all nations that they woudl desire to rule justly and honorably.