We hope you will join us this Sunday for our services and other events happening throughout the day.
9 & 11 AM Services
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “The Gospel According to Isaiah: Sour Grapes” (Isaiah 5:8–30). Parish 6, New Jersey residents, may worship together in the Catacombs during the 11 AM service.
- We’ll sing: Sing Praise to the Lord!; Come to the Waters; O Zion, Haste, Your Mission High Fulfilling.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
6:15 PM Prelude & Service
- Bryan Anderson will lead us in a “Hymns of Thanksgiving” hymn service for the 15-minute Soli Deo Gloria prelude.
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “That You May Believe…Cleansing the Temple” (John 2:13–25).
- We’ll sing: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation; Almighty God, We Come to You; God Is in His Temple.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
Other Sunday Events
- Dr. Goligher will hold a Q&A session after the evening service.
- Maranatha (Youth Group) is holding Sunday Night Live, an evening of games, skits, songs, food, and fun. Tenth teens are encouraged to bring their friends.
- Explore our Events calendar for a listing of everything else that’s happening around the church this Sunday.
- Tenth is participating in the Sunday Breakfast Mission Thanksgiving food drive. Filled bags should be dropped off this Sunday (11/24) in Reception Hall.
- We are also participating in Project Angel Tree through Prison Fellowship. Gifts for the December 7 Christmas Party should be brought to Tenth by this Sunday (11/24). There are also many volunteer opportunities available for the December 7 Christmas Party.