Aaron Messner
Rally to the (Gospel) Flag
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:13-18
Do You See What I See?
Scripture: Mark 8:22-38
Who Is Like the Lord?
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 7:18
Where Is Your God?
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 7:11-12
Desperate Wailing
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 7:2,7
I Make You a Desolation
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 6:13-15
A Rock Solid Life
Scripture: Psalms 112:5-6
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 6:8
The Redemption of the Remnant
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 5:7
Your Shepherd Comes
Series: The Book of Micah
Scripture: Micah 5:2, 4-5