October 2024

October 30, 2024

The Building Committee reported that the courtyard project is basically complete, with two to three open punch list items remaining. There is ongoing discussion regarding replacement of the ‘roll-up’ entry gate on Delancey Street. The gate is not economically repairable, but the discussion is whether this work can be performed within the courtyard budget. The Trustees agreed that work to replace the radiators in the sanctuary, narthex, balcony, and Reception Hall should be initiated in 2024 as part of the 2024 budget. It is anticipated that the work will be performed in three phases over the next three to nine months and that additional funding will need to be approved in the 2025 budget to complete the full scope of supply.

The Personnel Committee reported that the committee is considering a revised organization chart given the amount of recent turnover. The committee also brought up the issue of contractors to employees for musicians. If musicians are made employees, Tenth may want to consider an exception to the Tenth policy of obtaining security clearances for all employees. This exception was approved by the Session.

The Session unanimously approved a revision of the Child Protection Policy. Shortly, it will be posted on the website.
The Session greatly appreciates the faithful work of Barbara Harder with the Women’s Committee and accepted her resignation (with regret). Kelci Rose was appointed to assume her tasks with the committee.

Please continue to pray for our Trustees who are finalizing a budget for 2025. The Session approved the budgets of the church with some changes, subject to approval at the Congregational Meeting in December.

Also, continue to pray for our Nominating Committee, chaired by Ruling Elder Russ Pfeifer, as they finalize nominees for officers in the church. The following were approved and will be recommended by the Session to the congregation at the December meeting for final approval:
Elders: Dave Collins, Bill Langford, Bert Fink, Keith Bennett, Mike Miller, Chris Pontius, and Scott Sweeney.
Deacons: Jason Bull, Kyle Mangum, Stan Roberts, Bob Yang, and Mark Paul.
Deaconesses: Katherine Soule, and Audrey Thompson.

The Session is discussing the process for a Pastoral Search and a Pulpit Committee to be formed in order to begin such a search for a Senior Minister. Stay tuned for further updates. The elders of Tenth appreciate the congregation’s support and prayers during these months of transition of pastors. Particularly, pray for the Lord’s provision for all our needs as we move into the last months of the year.

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” Hebrews 1:3 (NIV).

Sincerely for the Session,
George K. McFarland, Clerk of Session

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