This is a regular monthly report to the congregation on significant highlights from the Session meetings. I will attempt to glean those significant aspects that I feel may be of interest to the congregation and thus give you a “window” into the thoughts and actions of the elders.
The Session approved a 3% payroll raise for Tenth Staff for 2024.
The Session also approved the following Projects of the Month for the first six months of 2024:
- January: AlphaCare
- February: Summer Medical Institute (SMI)
- March: Easter Sacrificial Offering (ESO)
- April: South Philadelphia Immigrant Outreach
- May: Colombia Short-Term Missions Trip
- June: Bible School Awards
The Session approved the Easter Sacrificial Offering projects. Projects include Niger, Egypt, Colombia, Sri Lanka, and the Middle East.
The Building Committee reported that the sanctuary lighting that required a high reach lift was installed the week of 1/8/24. The latest construction of the Courtyard estimate is ~$625,000, of which about $350,000 came from donor restricted giving from the capital campaign that ended in 2017. The Courtyard project is scheduled to start major construction June 1. Other major 2024 projects include replacing the sanctuary heating system and painting the exterior of 1710/carriage house. The Nursery/RH HVAC systems were replaced.
The Personnel Committee proposed that employee reviews be done in the summer as opposed to March. The Committee is also discussing the personal conduct parts of the personnel manual. Significant revisions are needed to make it more specific and cover areas that are not currently in the manual. Proposed changes would be reviewed by an attorney.
The Session approved the Global Outreach Commission’s recommendation that Pastor John be accepted as a global outreach partner of our church, effective upon his resignation from his current position as our church’s Minister of Global Outreach. We greatly appreciate John’s labors at Tenth and wish him God’s blessing in his marriage and new assignment.
The Pulpit Supply Committee reported that the 9 and 11 am worship service preachers have been scheduled to early June; the 6:30 worship services have been scheduled through March with our teaching elders. The committee is reviewing the role of an interim minister and how that may work at Tenth in the time without a senior minister.
Because of the calendar structure, the following communion schedule was approved for March:
- Sunday, March 3 – NO Communion (Dr. Phil Ryken preaching + Wheaton Choir)
- Sunday, March 17 – 6:30pm communion
- Sunday, March 24 (Palm Sunday) – 9, 11am, 2pm communion
The Session continues to review the GRACE report. A committee of Session is looking at the report and its recommendations and will report back to the Session how the elders and the church can benefit moving forward.
The Session is deeply grateful to the congregation for its support and faithful prayers over the last two months we have been without a senior minister.
“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2
Sincerely for the Session,
George K. McFarland
Clerk of Session