This month the Session welcomed the new elders on Session for 2025, several returning after a sabbatical and a few coming on for the first time. Please continue to pray for the new members, as well as the whole Session that the Lord would give much wisdom and grace to the men in this coming year. We also welcomed our stated supply, Dr. Jonny Gibson, who has been freed up to come to Session meetings.
The Session approved the recommended amended Corporation Bylaws from the Trustees. Also, the Session approved an overall increase of 3% starting January 1, 2025 for all employees on the payroll. The following Projects of the Month were also approved:
FEBRUARY: Summer Medical Institute
MARCH: Immigrant Outreach
APRIL: Easter Sacrificial Offering (TBD)
MAY: Short term Missions Trip to Colombia
JUNE: Children’s Bible School Camp Awards
The Personnel Committee Tenth is seeking to fill several open positions: Sexton, Receptionist, Assistant Music Director, Administrator, and Assistant Technical Director.
The Building Committee is looking at the heating system for the sanctuary as a priority need for this coming year. Some of our carpet is worn and needs to be replaced. As well, the committee intends to install security cameras in 2025 and 2026. The potential sale of 315 was also discussed. The discussion included the possibility that a sale of 315 could fund much needed capital projects such as the replacement of parts of the sanctuary heating system. Pending the outcome of 315, usage of the building would be discussed.
The elders received a very encouraging report from Brock Garrigan about the new shepherding process in the parishes. He has met with the parish elders and together they have committed to contact members throughout the coming year. Stay tuned for a larger report from Brock in March.
The Session also approved a “Tenth Church Conference” for later May (Friday evening through Sunday noon). More information will be forthcoming but essentially it would be like a full Tenth Retreat for a weekend. Our own pastoral staff and Dr. Gibson will lead in times of teaching and worship, as well as times for fellowship, food and fun. Lots of exciting news coming.
Pray for our elders who are ministering to members in pastoral situations.
“May the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.” (Psalm 134:3; NIV), Praise the Lord.
Sincerely for the Session,
George K. McFarland
Clerk of Session