Tenth College Fellowship during COVID-19

by Jared Cochrum September 1, 2020

Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. 
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Psalm 90:1-2

As we are rapidly approaching the beginning of the semester, Tenth College Fellowship (TCF) is preparing for an unusual semester, but one that we believe will still offer many opportunities for students to connect with one another, grow in their faith, and grow in their witness to their schools. Here is TCF’s plan for the fall semester:

First, TCF is not going to have a Sunday morning Bible study. Instead, there will be a weekly service at 4:30 on Sunday afternoons in Clark Park, where pastors from Tenth will rotate preaching. We’re excited about this time and believe it will be a great way for students to worship with our church and have a venue that is easy to invite friends to as well.

Second, TCF will have one in-person and one virtual Bible study each week. Our hope is that the in-person study will take place in University City somewhere. The specific times will be ironed out soon.

Finally, TCF will continue the Beyond the Bubble events at 7:00 PM each Friday. There will be a virtual event, and there will be a separate in-person event at an outdoor location in Philadelphia.

If you are a student in Philadelphia, know that the TCF leadership team is praying for you, and hopeful that you can still join the Church in worshiping our God, whether that be with us or another local church near your home. It is going to be a strange semester, but the Lord is still sovereign, Jesus is still alive, and his Kingdom will continue to spread. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Jared Cochrum at jaredc@tenth.org. Likewise you can connect with Tenth College Fellowship by joining our GroupMe

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