As believers, we often dream of doing great things for God’s kingdom here on earth. We want to be part of something much bigger than ourselves. And many times, this dream causes us to look to some future time or large ministry as the solution. However, Jesus often spoke of looking to the needs of our neighbors and those most vulnerable as some of the highest callings for his disciples.
One of Jesus’ most loved parables, the Good Samaritan, is especially meaningful to believers in Philadelphia. While we may dream of grand plans for serving in God’s kingdom, we have a golden opportunity right now to help our neighbors, friends, and family who suffer on the streets next to us. Medical Campus Outreach and Renewal Presbyterian Church invite you to join us for a panel discussion about Christian perspectives on the current opioid crisis. Our panel includes speakers from national, state, and local levels who will provide information on both public policy and medical ministry initiatives.
Philadelphia has become an epicenter of the opioid crisis in America. Not only have lifelong residents of our city become hooked on opioids, but also people from all over the country are coming to Kensington as a destination for trying new drugs. Some of these people never leave. The streets are filled with people who want to escape the opioid epidemic overtaking Philadelphia at an alarming rate. The need for reaching out to those caught up in this horrible cycle has been noticed by many. Several nationally-broadcast television shows have come here to highlight this problem. Regularly, the press is providing coverage of what is going on and how the opioid epidemic has a ripple effect on those who call Philadelphia home.