My first introduction to Dr. Carl Trueman was through his book Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative, which gives one Brit’s perspective on the woes of Christianity and American politics. Provocative and lively, the book engaged me from cover to cover as it expounded keen insights into Christian political culture. At points infuriating and at points enthralling, Trueman’s writing style mirrors his speaking style which I got to enjoy during my first two years at seminary. I never considered myself a lover of history, but I did enjoy the two church history courses Trueman taught in my Westminster curriculum. He consistently ties church history to relevant topics in the church today to prompt thinking on how faithfully to preserve Scripture and its teachings in our own churches.
This coming Friday Dr. Trueman is sure to be just as engaging. In his lecture for the Boice Center’s inerrancy series, Dr. Trueman will speak on inerrancy and church history from 100-1800 AD. He will engage the questions of inerrancy as they developed in church history. Has the church always viewed Scripture as totally truthful with no mistakes? If not, how did that process come about? Is it important for us to claim scriptural inerrancy in our churches today? In our individual lives? As Dr. Trueman traces the history of inerrancy he will undoubtedly draw parallel comparisons from his insights on the church today, helping us to understand how we can learn from the early church and highlighting what mistakes we may be in danger of repeating.
Join us Friday, April 11 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary for this final lecture in the inerrancy series.