Global Outreach Conference 2013: What Now?

by Kari Randall November 20, 2013

So, Global Outreach Conference 2013 is over, and you’re playing British Invasion music on repeat as you reminisce and yearn for next year. Okay, maybe not.

The first visual reminder of God’s work through Tenth to the nations at this year's conference was the parade of flags by our valiant fourth and fifth graders. What a variety of nations and people groups were represented there! You might have noticed one of our newest flags, Burundi. Global partners John and Jessica Cropsey just moved to the site where they’re starting an eye clinic there in Africa.

When you traversed Missionopoly with your team, perhaps you began to see how the Spirit is moving, both here in Philadelphia and on the other side of the planet. One little boy was so moved by Huguenot Fellowship’s efforts at the Faculté Jean Calvin seminary in France that he donated his pocket change.

Whilst chowing down on bangers and mash and chicken tikka masala, maybe Norman MacKay’s testimony at the Dressed to Kilt international dinner convicted you to think more about the fledgling replanted churches in Europe. Or a partner visiting your small group during the week piqued your interest about a least-reached people group.

As my college philosophy professor always ominously intoned at the end of a lecture, “What, therefore, should we do?”

One of the easiest ways to keep focused on God’s work in the world is to commit to pray for a global partner. You can adopt a worker as part of a small group, home school co-op, or Bible school class. Contact lobal Outreach's Partner Care Committee Chairman Tom Witmer to get started. Send a birthday or anniversary card to a global partner. They’d appreciate that you took the time and thought of them! You can also support global partners financially by giving to the Outreach budget.

You can get involved with Global Outreach Commission’s various activities throughout the year. Hear from visiting partners at the Around the World in 80 Minutes lunches starting up again in 2014. Send your kids to Wide Open World, our summer program. Maybe you feel you could best serve by helping one of the commission’s committees. Talk to commission chairman Russ Pfeifer to see how your gifts and talents could fit.

And explore the Global Outreach section of the new Tenth website where you'll discover recommended reading lists, ways to serve with our international fellowship ministry, and information about short-term trips.

Perhaps you’re discerning a call to full-time career service. Call the Tenth office and ask for Global Outreach to speak with someone who can share resources and information how to take the next step.

Finally, get excited for 2014’s Global Outreach Conference! It’s the first two weeks in November, so mark your calendars now.

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