Proverbs 16:10

An oracle is on the lips of a king;
his mouth does not sin in judgment.

Such it should be for those in authority; the higher in authority, the greater the responsibility to conduct oneself in integrity, speaking with wisdom. He should speak as one representing the great King.
Do you pray for those over you that they will exercise wisdom in integrity? It is easy to sin in judgment even by those desirous to do what is right, even by those who follow Christ the King. There are many temptations luring them to make the easy decision. They receive threats. They receive enticing offers. Aside from temptations, it is often difficult to discern what is right and best. Who knows the full implications that piece of legislation will have? One may know the right moral principle but not know the best practical means of keeping that principle. Many times good intentions have brought about unwanted results.

And consider the individual who is a king in his own domain the business owner, the supervisor, the school headmaster, the classroom teacher, the football coach, the dance instructor. He may not have power over many, but his words and actions have greater influence over individual lives. His sin in judgment can leave a scar that lasts a lifetime in its effects.

Pray for those you know who are kings in their domains, however small the domain may be. And pray for yourself. You likely are in position over someone. Pray for integrity; pray for wisdom in all judgments seemingly great or small you are to render. And pray with thanksgiving for your King, who truly did speak oracles when on earth, who because he did not sin will sit in judgment when he returns, and deliver his people.

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