Proverbs 28:6
Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity
than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.
Aristides, a wise and just Athenian of long ago, was a great enemy to greedy men in government. As treasurer of Athens, he hated covetousness. He lived and died poor by choice. Once, reproached by an evil banker, he answered, "Thy riches do thee more hurt than my poverty does me."
We can become rich by evil means. We can get more by lying. And we can increase our wealth by being unscrupulous. But evil deeds will ruin our relationship with God. Before my conversion to Christ, I would easily gain profit through corrupt means. No problem. But, it was the work of God that changed that. He brought me into the lives of people with integrity—poor Christians with nothing to show for themselves except Jesus. They showed me how rich they really were.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts today. And be thankful.