Proverbs 16:5
Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord;
be assured, he will not go unpunished.
Who is arrogant in heart? He is the one who is assured of himself. He is assured that his success is the result of his cleverness, his natural ability, his taking charge of his own life. He may even be assured that he has outwitted God and is able to act with impunity.
This proverb tells us that there is one thing of which we can be assured – and that is in God. God, the Judge, will carry out justice. He does not look on the wickedness with indifference; be assured, all who are unjust will not go unpunished. And Proverbs does equate arrogant in heart with wickedness and injustice. Arrogance by definition is a crime against others and certainly against God. It causes one to despise others without cause and to promote oneself over others without just cause. It robs a neighbor of the love that is demanded by God. It distorts truth and creates an idol out of oneself. It mocks God and robs him of his glory.
Or more truthfully, it tries to rob God. Be assured, God will not be mocked, and no one can rob him of what belongs to him. Thus, God turns man’s arrogance into opportunity to be further glorified. That glory is shown through God vindicating himself in justice and through the marvelous act of redeeming. Be assured, the arrogant in heart will not go unpunished if they are not brought to repentance. Whether in this life and/or the next, full justice will be rendered. Pray for justice to come in this life and that they be led to repentance and know God’s glory through his redeeming power.