On a college campus any opinion is the right opinion. Truth, fluid and ever changing, is often subject to the whims of individual experience and subjective viewpoints. Yet, there are absolute grades for each class and rules of behavior for every dorm. In light of this postmodern paradox, the question of truth is an overwhelming and cumbersome one, not only on college campuses but in the workplace, neighborhood, and family.
In America, Christianity comes with unique baggage for a person investigating it. Whether because of politics, race, history, family traditions, lifestyle choices, or socio-economics, there are several obstacles for most people when it comes to Christianity. How does a student at the University of Pennsylvania begin a journey towards faith in Jesus Christ when his or her culture and traditional Christian culture seem diametrically opposed? How does someone begin not only to ask the question “Is Christianity a truth,” but “Is it the truth?”
Though seemingly unthinkable, a person can make the jump from utter disbelief to true belief in Christ by God’s grace.
By God’s grace, too, well-known Christian scholar, lecturer, and debater Ravi Zacharias is coming to Irvine Auditorium at the University of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, February 11. His lecture entitled “Is Truth Real?” begins at 7 PM. The live lecture and Q&A at Irvine Auditorium is open only to Penn card holders. But Tenth has been invited to host a livestream of the event in Fellowship Hall!
Everyone is invited to Tenth’s livestream of this lecture and Q&A, not just college students. Bring your small group, friends, and neighbors to hear about the absolute truth found in Jesus Christ. If time allows we will host our own discussion after the lecture and Q&A. Childcare is not available during this event.