A Kingdom on the Move: Part 1

by David Gunther October 13, 2016


And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’—Matthew 10:7.

In roughly a month, Tenth will be hosting its annual fall Global Outreach Conference. The theme of this fall’s event is “A Kingdom on the Move.” On Sunday, November 13, Michael Oh, Executive Director of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization will be preaching in the morning, and Philip Kirkland, who works with refugees in Greece, will be preaching in the evening. At our annual banquet, on Saturday, November 12, our partner, Scott, will share his experiences working with an unreached people group.

The planners of this fall’s event have asked each of the speakers to tell us how they are witnessing the kingdom of God moving around the world today. We are looking forward to hearing direct reports of God’s work in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and around the world. The Global Outreach Commission is often limited in what it can share with the congregation about our global partners’ work. This is frustrating for us and we realize it can make global missions (and our partners) seem distant to you. On November 12 and 13, however, you will have the opportunity to meet Tenth’s partners and hear firsthand how the kingdom of God is moving today.

In the midst of a difficult political season, hearing from partners around the world will serve to remind us all that we are members of a global kingdom that transcends national, ethnic, and racial boundaries. As Christians, we do not put our faith in princes or presidents, but in the true King of the Universe: Jesus Christ. Our primary citizenship is in his kingdom. What a consolation and encouragement! The upcoming conference will both encourage and challenge the congregation to consider what citizenship in Jesus’ worldwide kingdom entails for us.

We hope that hearing how the kingdom of God is moving around the world today will encourage you to become more involved in the global work of the gospel. While many Tenth members, including most recently the Cedeños and Kempens, have felt called to leave Philadelphia and serve in other parts of the world, you can also meaningfully participate right here.

1.  Most importantly, you can pray for the worldwide church, unreached people, and our global partners.

2. You can also give. Tenth’s global outreach budget provides ongoing support to partners and ministries in almost every part of the world. Our annual Easter Sacrificial Offering supports projects offering mercy and relief to those in great need. Additionally, many in the church feel called to directly support different global partners and ministries.

3. You can volunteer with the Global Outreach Commission. If you are interested, please contact Tenth’s minister of global outreach, Bruce McDowell. (Bruce is also currently leading an Adult Sunday School class exploring missions topics, titled “The Mission of the Church.” The class meets at 9 AM in the basement of 1710 Spruce Street).

4. You can be a stateside help and encouragement to our far-flung global partners. For opportunities to connect with, help, and encourage specific partners, please contact Laura Layer.

5. Finally, you can become involved in ministry to internationals in Philadelphia. Throughout the Bible and church history, we see that the kingdom often moves right along with people on the move—refugees, immigrants, students, and business people. To assist with Tenth’s newly founded ministry to refugees, please contact Mim Tilton. To become involved with tutoring internationals in English or Tenth International Fellowship, please contact Enrique Leal.

Please be on the lookout for additional information about the conference in the upcoming weeks. And please use this opportunity to consider how you can become more involved in a global kingdom on the move. 

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