Making the Gospel More Accessible

by Julia K. marzo 12

Every year, Tenth’s Global Outreach Commission seeks out projects for the Easter Sacrificial Offering (ESO). This long-standing tradition is a humble attempt to echo the great renewal we celebrate at Easter, as Jesus defeated death and began the process of making all things new. By giving sacrificially to these projects, we hope to continue the renewal of God’s people around the world. Each project is connected to Tenth global partners who minister to people currently experiencing great need. There are five ESO Projects this year, below you can learn more about the final two.

A Road Out of Poverty

A woman praying at a temple in Asia.

Last year, Tenth had the privilege of sending a new family onto the mission field in Southeast Asia. This family has begun their ministry in a primarily Buddhist nation that has been ravaged by civil war for many years. While the war has ended, the effects remain. Many villages continue to be in states of extreme poverty. A portion of this year’s ESO will go to Pilgrim Institute, a youth ministry focused on helping alleviate poverty, provide medical care, and facilitate vocational education and bible classes. This is a unique opportunity because locals lead Pilgrim Institute, providing a deep connection to the community and many opportunities to come alongside teens in challenging times.

An Opportunity to Study the Bible

A classroom with students in Africa

Our final ESO Project will help a small Bible school in West Africa which is growing and needs to build more suitable housing for its students. The school is an entry point for local students into four-year college programs. Classes focus on a variety of areas: math, literacy, community health, and theology. We look forward to supporting this school as it trains the next generation of local Christians to bring the gospel to their communities.

As we draw nearer to Easter, please take the time to pray for these ministries and ask the Lord if he is calling you to give sacrificially to these ministries. You can give online here.

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