Help for visitors. Reminders for all.

At the corner of 17th and Spruce Streets, Center City Philadelphia. Service Times: 9am, 11am, 2pm & 6:30pm

Welcome to our Visitors

We welcome you in the name of Jesus. We are a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ who come together each week to grow deeper in our relationship with God, give him praise, and to share this bond of love with one another. We’re each a work-in-progress, understanding through the Holy Spirit our need for God’s love and his transforming power everyday.

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whoever will come — this church opens wide her doors and offers her welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Getting Here

GPS and Driving Address
17th and Spruce Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19103

How people travel to Tenth is as varied as our congregation. Some walk, cycle, or ride public transport. Others drive and park on the street or in nearby garages. Please take a look at our parking guidelines, if you plan to drive. Parking placards to display on your dashboard are available in the Spruce and Delancey lobbies. Google maps provides excellent walking and public transportation directions.


When you arrive in the Narthex (front entrance) you’ll be warmly greeted and handed the Sunday bulletin. To your left is a Welcome Center with someone ready to answer questions you might have about our nursery, on street and garage parking, building accessibility, adult and children’s Bible School classes, and more. You’ll see men and women wearing name tags who are happy to assist you with any questions you might have, and, if you like, find you a seat.

Building & Seating

There are balconies on both the 17th and 18th Street sides of the church, and you can access them by stairs on either side of the back of the sanctuary. The main seating is directly in front of you through the doors. Our main building is “vintage Philadelphia,” so you’ll find mostly padded pews instead of chairs.


Although there are many styles of Christian worship here at Tenth, our Sunday morning and evening services focus on traditional music and preaching. We follow a printed bulletin, sing hymns from the Trinity Hymnal, read responsively through the Psalms, and recite the ancient creeds of the historic Christian church (like the Apostles’ Creed). 

The Bible is woven throughout the service and central to our pastor’s sermon. Preaching helps us understand and receive by faith what God has done for us in Jesus, and unpacks how we are to live in response to his love.

Music has a threefold purpose at Tenth Church. It is an important part of corporate worship, plays a critical role in Christian discipleship, and is an effective means of outreach into our city and the world. Singing together as a congregation we both learn the faith and give expression of our faith. 

Receiving Help

Please don’t hesitate to make any needs you have known to us. Our deacons and deaconesses are here to assist you, as are our pastors and elders when you have spiritual questions or need help dealing with life’s challenges.

We invite you take time to learn more about Tenth Church through our website, and we’re glad you are here.

Adult Bible School

Children's Bible School

Youth Group