September 2024

September 25, 2024

The Session approved the following “Projects of the Month:” October – Whosoever Gospel Mission, November – Children’s Jubilee Fund, and December – Tenth’s Refugee Outreach. Please pray for these groups.

The Building Committee reported that a final punch list was created to complete the courtyard, which is expected by the end of September. The Building Committee anticipates the final cost will come in under $514,000. Landscaping has been deferred until next year. A new entry gate at the Carriage House is on hold until it is determined whether or not Tenth receives a grant from the federal government.

The Personnel Committee reported that the committee is considering doing a revised organization chart given the amount of recent turnover. The committee also brought up the issue changing contracted musicians to Tenth employees. If musicians are made employees Tenth may want to consider an exception to the Tenth policy of obtaining security clearances for all employees. This may require Session approval. The Personnel Committee will draft a motion for the next trustees’ meeting.

Please continue to pray for our Trustees who are preparing the 2025 budget. This will be presented to the Session at the October meeting and then at the Congregational Meeting in December.

Also, continue to pray for our Nominating Committee, chaired by Ruling Elder Russ Pfeifer, as they seek out candidates for officers in the church.

The elders praise the Lord for bringing to Tenth Dr. Jonny Gibson as our interim senior minister. Pray for Jonny as he teaches at Westminster Theological Seminary full-time and assumes this responsibility at Tenth. The Session is now beginning to discuss the process of a search for a senior minister.

The elders encourage all to attend an upcoming parish meeting, even if it is not your own. These are wonderful times of fellowship as well as learning things about the church and its ministries.

Rev. Brock Garrigan presented a shepherding structure to which he and the parish elders have been giving much thought. This plan would create a structure that would more effectively shepherd our congregation. This was approved by the Session. Stay tuned for the next implementation.

The elders of Tenth appreciate the congregation’s support and prayers during these months of transition. Particularly, pray for the Lord’s provision for all our needs as we move into the last months of the year.

“God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

Sincerely for the Session,
George K. McFarland
Clerk of Session

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