November 2024

November 27, 2024

The elders began the recent stated meeting by noting particular thanksgivings to the Lord for his wonderful faithfulness to the Tenth congregation over the past year. Certainly, his faithfulness is to all generations.

The Personnel Committee reported that the Staff reviews are complete; the Pastoral staff reviews are in process. The committee is working on an employee survey for possible implementation next year.

The Building Committee reported that the Courtyard Project is complete, except for a couple of punch list items. Replacement of the roll up gate (on Delancey), along with some other smaller scope items, will be added to the Courtyard project and most likely performed in the Spring 2025

The Session approved the recommendation from the Trustees that the oversight of security be moved from them to the Executive Pastor who will be expected to delegate much of the security work to the security committee, but he will help select the members of the committee and may appoint the chair of the committee.

Dr. Jonny Gibson, along with our pastoral staff, is planning to offer a “Jesus Explored” course for four evenings in January. This will be primarily for those seeking to know about Jesus and desire how they might learn of him. You will hear more about this in the upcoming worship services and on the website. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and me to invite our unsaved friends to Tenth.

The Session approved a process to recommend to the congregation at the Congregational Meeting on December 6, 2024 the establishment of a Pulpit Committee who will then begin a pastoral search for a Senior Minister. This proposal will be sent by email to members; time will also be available to join a virtual meeting this week to hear more about this and be able to ask questions.

The Session encourages all members to attend the Congregational Meeting on Friday, December 6, 2024 to hear and receive the budgets, nominations for offices in the church, a Nominating Bylaw change and a recommendation from the Session for a process to establish a Pulpit Committee to search for a Senior Minister. [We are also having a congregational dinner beforehand.  Please register for the dinner here.]

Pray for our elders who are ministering to members in pastoral situations.

The elders of Tenth appreciate the congregation’s support and prayers during these months of transition of pastors. Particularly, pray for the Lord’s provision for all our needs as we move into the last months of the year.

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5 (NIV). Praise the Lord.

Sincerely for the Session,
George K. McFarland
Clerk of Session

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