Not only are we doing outreach in the North Philly neighborhood,but we are also attending church services here. Along with three other teammates, I have been going to Urban Hope, a church that also serves as our home. The church is going through the sermon series “When God’s People Pray.” The messages have been a good reminder of the reason for, necessity of, and power of prayer, especially as we are reaching out to the community over these three weeks. Tied in with the series is the memory verse that is recited weekly:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”2 Chronicles 7:14
Both the sermon series and the memory verse were inspirations for the following poem:
When people pray,
A bridge is connected between God and man.
He listens to the pleas of our heart.
He knows and understands us before words leave our tongue.
When people pray,
Hearts are changedMaybe not today, but in His perfect timing.
Chains are broken,
And eyes are turned toward Jesus.
When people pray
Healing happensPhysical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
Our God is one who calls us by name,
One who listens, forgives, and heals.
This is the God who hears our prayers in North Philly.
We pray to You with hope
And in expectation that You are doing and will continue to do a good work.
All glory, honor, and praise to You.
– Helen