Proverbs 28:11
A rich man is wise in his own eyes,
but a poor man who has understanding will find him out.
"There are no greater fools than those who see their folly as wisdom."—New Geneva Study Bible
In Luke 12, the rich farmer who had abundant crops built bigger barns to contain his prosperity. What’s wrong with that? It seems rather a wise thing to do. But obviously God did not think so. This man did not share his crops with the poor as commanded in the Old Testament nor did he give thanks to God as commanded in the Old Testament. There was no acknowledgement of his dependence upon God for his daily bread. What he had he considered to be the result of his own efforts and wisdom. He had his moment, but his end was disastrous poverty and starvation.
The poor are not distracted by riches, but see their need of God. After all, it is the meek who will inherit the earth and the poor in spirit to whom belong the kingdom of God. Those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness shall be satiated.
Verse 21 of Luke 12 says of the rich fool, “So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.” Today, examine your heavenly pension plan. How well are you investing? Are you seeing and expecting good returns?