Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing,
while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.
The sluggard lacks the basics of physical provision because he does not work, whereas the diligent applies himself. But there is a deeper craving that is not satisfied as well the craving of the soul for a purposeful life. Whatever the sluggard may claim or disclaim, because he is human made in the image of God he has a craving for more than keeping his belly full. He craves meaning, fulfillment. He craves, whether he admits it or not, to be connected with his Creator.
But he gets nothing. For even to receive the free gospel, even to receive the gracious gift of God requires effort. God calls people to come to him; if the sluggard is too lazy to come, he will not receive. Christ calls those who would come to him to follow him and to take up his own cross. Such a life takes too much effort. One may reason with him the riches are greater than the sacrifices; Christ will return treasure beyond what we give; his yoke is easy and his burden is light. But nothing works for the sluggard who cannot find it in himself to make a sustained effort.
Not so for the diligent who sees the gospel for the priceless treasure that it is, who yearns to be at peace with his Creator and to experience the blessing of his love. Eagerly he responds to the bidding of his Saviors call to come. Joyfully he serves a master whom he knows to be generous. Ultimately, the difference between the sluggard and the diligent is not that the sluggard doesnt crave and the diligent does. Rather, the diligent recognizes what, or rather who, fulfills his cravings and already tastes the goodness of the Lord. The sluggard merely knows the feeling of emptiness; the diligent knows at least has tasted the goodness of the Lord and so makes every effort to be filled.