Proverbs 13:9
The light of the righteous rejoices,
but the lamp of the wicked will be put out.
Note the contrast between the light of the righteous and of the wicked. It is not merely that the light of the righteous will continue to shine and the wicked’s will end, but that the righteous’ light “burns merrily.” Righteousness is not merely about living right but about living well. The wicked don’t understand this. They pursue wickedness and immorality, thinking that those things bring happiness. They scorn the righteous whom they presume must be unhappy and uptight. They consider themselves happy – see, they party and laugh; they have “fun.” And yet it is a desperate fun that they must manufacture each day.
True joy – true fun – is delighting in what is good and what produces blessing and peace, what flows out of love. And what greater joy is there than delighting in the light of Jesus Christ, who reconciles us to God, makes our lives fruitful and meaningful, and who leads us in the dance of redemption.
Let your light shine today. Let your flame burn merrily as you give thanks throughout this day for the light of Christ in your life.