Proverbs 18:4
The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters;
the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.
This proverb seems to be presenting a contrast between the words of sinful man that hide motive, like the deep waters which hide what is underneath, and the words of the wise which is refreshing and clear like a bubbling brook. We are as likely to use words to miscommunicate than to communicate. We use words to hide our true feelings, to camouflage our real intentions. We sometimes use words to disguise our ignorance. So-called intellectuals and scholars will at times rely on esoteric (hard to understand) words merely to seem deep.
How refreshing to hear clear wisdom spoken. We’ve been in “discussions” that only grow more confusing, and then, some word of reason is spoken, and the answer so difficult to discover becomes so simple that we marvel we did not know it all along. A question is raised that brings light to what seemed a complex dilemma.
And so Jesus’ words must have been like a bubbling brook to so many ears as he cut through the verbal entrapments of the religious leaders; as he spoke “with authority”; as he taught truth. The paradox of Jesus’ teaching is that many turned away from him, claiming, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” And yet others attested, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” And so wise words reveal the wisdom of the speaker and the wisdom of the hearer; for only those so tuned to truth can recognize it, so that even if they do not understand all they hear, they nevertheless recognize when it is spoken and desire to hear more. They find its cool stream delightful and refreshing.
Delight in the bubbling brook of God’s Word today, especially in the words of Christ which are words of eternal life.