Voice, converse, communicate, confer, natter, chatter—we’ll do all those things and more at our upcoming Tenth Talks, local events that combine food and dialogue with fellow Tenth attenders. This is your chance to meet the elders and deacons who provide pastoral care in your neighborhood and engage in a friendly give-and-take with Liam and other leaders.
Do you want to know more about the opportunities God is putting before us as a congregation? Then come. Are you curious about Tenth happenings or possible building acquisitions? Show up. Do you want to know who from Tenth lives near you? Pop in.
Be part of the conversation. We have a lot to talk about! We need to dialog as we move forward so that we do so together. And more importantly we need to pray as a body, seeking God’s guidance before we make decisions.
Listed below are details for the local Tenth Talks. We divide the Tenth community into geographic regions called “parishes.” If you are unsure as to which parish you belong, check the map at tenth.org/parishes or ask on Sundays at the Welcome Center in the Narthex.
Parish 1
Tuesday, March 11, 7:00 pm @ Tenth
Parish 2
Monday, March 31, 7:30 PM @ New Life Church
467 North Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038
Parish 3
Thursday, April 10, 7:00 PM @ Philadelphia House
6374 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19151
Parish 4
Thursday, March 20, 7:00 PM @ Joe and Beth Bushra’s home
1719 Powder Mill Lane, Wynnewood, PA 19096
Parish 5
Thursday, March 13, 7:00 PM @ Cross Pointe Church
601 S New Middletown Rd, Media, PA 19063
Parish 6—Please bring a dessert to share
Thursday, April 3, 7:00 PM @ Covenant Presbyterian Church
520 S. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034