

There are a lot of definitions of “Mentoring,” but this is what we mean:

  • A nurturing relationship among women of different stages in life who come together to encourage and equip one another to live for God’s glory.
  • An intentional friendship among women supporting each other in their walk with Christ.

“But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” 

1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 (ESV)

How Do I Start?

If you are interested in being mentored

  • Reach out to a woman you’ve noticed at Tenth and invite her to coffee or tea.
  • Tell her of your desire and commitment to a mentoring relationship and ask if she’d be willing to meet regularly and mentor you.
  • Pray that God would help you serve and love each other.
  • Agree on the frequency of your meetings/means of contact.

If you are willing to mentor someone

  • Recognize the entirety of your life experiences as the Lord equipping you to mentor others who may walk similar life paths.
  • Pray for whomever you might mentor.
  • Reach out to a woman you’ve noticed at Tenth and invite her to coffee or tea.
  • Ask if she’d be willing to meet regularly to develop an intentional friendship.
  • Look for ways to meet and serve women at Tenth.

Once You’re Connected

  • Establish clear communication about expectations at the beginning of the mentoring relationship
  • Develop your friendship by meeting regularly. If you can’t meet in person, call or email to share prayer requests and words of encouragement.
  • Stay Christ-centered by reading the Word and praying each time you meet
  • Consider reading & discussing articles* & books
  • Share your life together by meeting for coffee, running errands, and attending Tenth events together.
  • Look for opportunities to serve one another!

Encourage mentorship among other Tenth women

  • Encourage your friends to reach out to someone to develop an intentional friendship.
  • Pray that the Lord would bless this activity.
  • Tell Tenth Women’s ministry you are meeting. We’d love to know you have connected and are encouraging each other in Christ. 

Here’s an article to get you started