Proverbs 23:15-16

My son, if your heart is wise,
my heart too will be glad.
My inmost being will exult
when your lips speak what is right.

How wonderful it is to see that children who have learned the good things they are taught. Earlier the writer of Proverbs penned, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Parents care greatly for their children’s souls. Their role in training in righteous and Christian discipline glorifies God. It makes their hearts glad, too! The one who is wise will do right by listening to the Lord. And what great pleasure our heavenly Father has when people are drawn to him. 

Matthew Henry states, "Children, if you be wise and good, devout and conscientious, God will be pleased with you, and that will be our [the parents] joy: we shall think our labour in instructing you well bestowed; it will be a comfortable answer for the many prayers we have put up for you; we shall be eased of a great deal of care; we shall rejoice in hope that you will be a credit and comfort to us. And if we should live to be old, that you will bear up the name of Christ in your generation…”

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