We hope you will join us this Sunday for our services.
9 & 11 AM Services
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “The Gospel According to Isaiah: A Remnant Will Return” (Isaiah 10:5–34).
- We'll sing: Stand Up and Bless the Lord; Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee; Fairest Lord Jesus.
- Parish 4, Mainline, may worship together in the Catacombs during the 11 AM service.
- New Members will be received.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
6:15 PM Prelude & Service
- Bryan Anderson will lead a hymn service for the 15-minute Soli Deo Gloria prelude.
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “That You May Believe…The Savior of the World (John 4:27–45).
- We'll sing: Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim; The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want; Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven.
- The Lord’s Supper will be served.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
Other Sunday Events
- Meet with others to pray at 9 AM at 315 S. 17th Street, 4th floor front. We will especially lift up our church at this time of change and decision-making, and we will also pray for the needs of our ministry partners and others as per 1 Timothy 2:1–8.
- Please return Alpha Pregnancy Services’ baby bottles to Reception Hall.
- A congregational meeting will be held in the sanctuary at 12:30 PM for the purpose of voting on dissolving our pastoral relationship with Rev. Marion Clark. Parents should pick up their children from nursery and other programs before attending this meeting.
- Bridge Builders will meet at 1 PM in Fellowship Hall East for luncheon. Ben Hutton will speak on Jesus’ parable about the seed and the soil.
- Intercessors are available for prayer each Sunday at 12:30 to listen and provide prayers of spiritual comfort, solace, and support. Anyone in need of prayer for him/herself or others is invited. Go down the stairs by the bulletin boards (between Reception Hall and Delancey lobby) and meet in front of B1.