Please join us this Sunday for our services.
9 AM & 11 AM Service
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “The Servant Scenario” (Isaiah 52:12–15)
- We will sing: Our God, Our Help in Ages Past; Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; My Jesus, I Love Thee
- Bulletin
- Livestream
6:15 PM Service
- Helen Sneller, clarinet, will be playing the 15-minute Soli Deo Gloria prelude.
- Gethin Jones will preach, “Take a Deep Breath” (Psalm 131:1–3)
- We will sing: O Bless Our God with One Accord; Arise, O Lord Our God, Arise; From out the Depths I Cry, O Lord, to Thee
- Bulletin
- Livestream
Other Sunday Events
- 2016 offering envelopes are available in Reception Hall through January 10. If you currently do not have and would like a numbered box assigned to you, please contact Elizabeth at Please also let her know if you are giving online and no longer need envelopes.
- Tenth International Fellowship (TIF) meets for worship on Sundays at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall. Contact with questions.
- No children’s programs will be held this Sunday, other than 9:00 classes and nursery.
- This Sunday's 12:30 prayer intercessors in the Catacombs prayer room 5.