We hope you will join us this Sunday for our services.
9 & 11 AM Services
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “The Gospel According to Isaiah: The Word of God and the Ways of God” (Isaiah 28:1–29).
- We'll sing: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven; Like a River Glorious; More Love to Thee, O Christ.
- Reception of New Members
- Bulletin
- Livestream
6:30 PM Service and Prelude
- Timothy Gonzalez, tenor, will sing for the 15-minute Soli Deo Gloria prelude at 6:15.
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “That You May Believe…Scripture: End or Means?” (John 5:30–47).
- We'll sing: Only Trust Him; The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want; Ye Gates, Lift Up Your Heads.
- The Lord’s Supper
- Bulletin
- Livestream
Other Sunday Events
- We need to feed our Maranatha summer missions teams. If you are able, please sign up to provide food for lunch or dinner for any of the seven weeks of summer missions. There is a sign up table in Reception Hall after both morning services today.
- Tenth International Fellowship (TIF) meets for worship on Sundays at 11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall.
- Help your children get a vision for what God is doing in the world. Come to Wide Open World (WOW), our Sunday evening program for children pre-K through sixth grade tonight at 6:30 PM in the Catacombs.
- The June Summer Choir will sing Sunday evenings in June, with rehearsals in the choir loft at 5:15 PM on Sundays. Everyone is welcome to join for any or all weeks—no experience is necessary.
- The Gary Papa Run will take place in the Art Museum area Sunday morning. Check out the race course if this will impact your commute.