We hope you will join us this Sunday for our services.
9 & 11 AM Services
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “The Gospel According to Isaiah: The Final Gathering” (Isaiah 27:1–13).
- We'll sing: The God of Abraham Praise; Before the Throne of God Above; Behold, the Mountain of the Lord.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
6:15 PM Service and Prelude
- Ruth Naomi Floyd, Elijah Thomas, and Alexander Cross with sing and play for the 15-minute Soli Deo Gloria prelude.
- Dr. Liam Goligher will preach, “That You May Believe…Witnesses to Jesus” (John 5:30–47).
- We'll sing: At the Name of Jesus; Not All the Blood of Beasts; I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus.
- Bulletin
- Livestream
Other Sunday Events
- New Adult Bible School classes begin this week.
- Mothers, are you looking for pointers on the nitty-gritty of parenting? Dr. Beverly Ingelse will be our guest speaker at the 9:00 AM Mom’s Meet and Greet in Fellowship Hall East.
- During the 11:00 service 4s & 5s@11 begins in the B2 and B3 rooms. Children can be brought down during the hymn before the offering. Children ages 6 and up will remain in the service.
- Parish 6 has an opportunity to serve our homeless neighbors at the Community Dinner. Help is needed with food preparation and hosting in Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 service.
- Help your children get a vision for what God is doing in the world. Wide Open World (WOW), our Sunday evening program for children pre-K through sixth grade, kicks off at 6:30 PM.
- This evening we are opening our doors and welcoming the new 7th graders to Maranatha! Join us in Fellowship Hall.
- The June Summer Choir will sing Sunday evenings in June, with rehearsals in the choir loft at 5:15 PM on Sundays. Everyone is welcome to join for any or all weeks—no experience is necessary.