Last Sunday’s Sermons: Delivered, Guided, Provided & Giving Thanks with My Whole Heart

by Sarah Boghosian December 31, 2013

Delivered, Guided, Provided: Psalm 78:12-16

The final Sunday of 2013 (12/29) Marion Clark preached on Psalm 78:12-16 “Delivered, Guided, Provided.” As you might expect, he addressed the ways in which God delivered, guided, and provided for the children of Israel throughouth their escape from Egypt and subsequent wilderness wanderings. But he also talked about how God’s deliverance, guidance, and provision can be seen all the time in the life of the Christian, even when we sometimes have a hard time seeing it ourselves. You can view the full service on our YouTube or Vimeo channels.

Giving Thanks with My Whole Heart: Psalm 138:1-8

Bruce McDowell preached in the evening on Psalm 138:1-8, “Giving Thanks with My Whole Heart.” You can watch the complete service on our YouTube and Vimeo channels. And don’t forget that Marion will resume his evening Advent sermon series “Our Gifts in Christ” next Sunday (1/5).

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