AM: Bind Up the Testimony (Isaiah 8:11-22)
Sunday morning, February 16 Liam Goligher continued his Isaiah sermon series "The Gospel According to Isaiah" with "Bind up the Testimony" based upon Isaiah 8:11-22.
Liam reminds us that Isaiah has boldly stood up to both the king and the nation and has announced the future for Judah, Jersualem, Northern Israel, and Syria. He's established this prophecy publicly, so that it's verifiable, and he's given leadership to the holy nation of that day. God intervenes on Isaiah's behalf because his moral and spiritual leadership is being contested. He takes hold of Isaiah and speaks to him the following lessons:
- Reverence for God leads to an
- Experience of God, and will lead us to
- Confidence in God.
You can watch the entire service, including Tenth Women's Chorus' Prelude and Offertory, on our YouTube and Vimeo channels.
PM: He Must Increase, I Must Decrease—Heaven's Economy (John 3:22-30)
Sunday evening, Liam continued his John sermon series "That You May Believe…" with "He Must Increase, I Must Decrease—Heaven's Economy" based upon John 3:22-30.
Liam provides helpful context for this passage. The church has received the first three gospels known as the Synoptic Gospels. John now, as he records his gospel, feels free to add to the story parts that have been neglected by the other three gospels. What we see here is John's account of the period immediately following Jesus' baptism and before some of the events recorded in the other gospels. This passage addresses, not so much the issue of purification, but the issue of John's disciples seeing Jesus as a rival to John the baptizer. John, therefore, focuses the minds of his people on three things:
- Who Jesus is
- Who John is
- Why it matters
You can watch the full service, including the Lord's Supper, on our YouTube and Vimeo channels.