Exalting His Name, Proclaiming His Word

You have exalted above all things your name and your word.

This Sunday

November 10th, 2024

Morning Services ⋅ 9 & 11AM

A Lesson On Confession

Psalm 51 ⋅ Jonny Gibson ⋅ Series: Singing Familiar Psalms Anew

Afternoon Service ⋅ 2PM

The Early Church

Acts 2:42-47 ⋅ Enrique Leal ⋅ Series: Acts (2024)

Evening Service ⋅ 6:30PM

Small Groups Nearby


Tenth Press

Our Faithful God Oct 22 ⋅ by Joe Park

“For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.” 1 Thessalonians 1:8 As we honor God’s faithful provision and sovereign guidance to Tenth’s Global Outreach ministry, this year’s Global Outreach Conference will focus on how the Spirit of Christ builds and grows the Church through the work of Tenth’s global partners. Why should you take part […]

Introducing Jonny Sep 24 ⋅ by George McFarland

This past Sunday morning, we announced that Dr. Jonny Gibson has been called as Tenth’s Stated Supply, the official title for an interim pastor in our denomination. Hopefully, this Tenth Press will give you a view of the process leading to the announcement. On December 1, 2023, the Session created a Pulpit Supply Committee to schedule men to preach at the 9am, 11am, and 6:30pm services because Tenth was without a senior minister. The committee consisted of Ruling Elders Andrew […]

Living Faithfully Jul 24 ⋅ by Timothy Geiger

The Book of Isaiah has always been a favorite of mine. One of the reasons is the bold and blatant proclamation of God’s mercy to his undeserving people. Written as an indictment of sorts, even as testimony in a husband’s divorce suit against an adulterous wife (“Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity…they have forsaken the LORD…they are utterly estranged.”—Isaiah 1:4), the first 39 chapters of the book recount the ongoing unrepentant sin of God’s covenant people. That part […]

Immigrants and Hope Apr 9 ⋅ by David Campbell

There is a fairly diverse population of immigrants at Tenth. The SPEAK (South Philadelphia English at Kirkbride) program continues to serve many by teaching English with the primary goal of sharing the gospel. Through collaborations with missionaries here at Tenth, we continue to welcome international students to more events, and recently we held a conference on cross-cultural communication to better equip congregants with sharing the gospel. The Hispanic Ministry celebrated its first year in October. In addition to our weekly […]

Day of Prayer and Fasting: Wednesday, April 10 Apr 3 ⋅ by Timothy Geiger

Prayer and fasting are often observed as ways to draw nearer to the Lord and to more fully devote ourselves to him as a way to focus on specific prayer needs for a community. Through fasting, we willingly give up something we would use for strength, comfort, or enjoyment as a way to recenter our hearts and wills on our greatest need—to seek the Lord’s face, his favor, and to discern his will. Through prayer, we earnestly draw near to […]

Making the Gospel More Accessible Mar 12 ⋅ by Julia K.

Every year, Tenth’s Global Outreach Commission seeks out projects for the Easter Sacrificial Offering (ESO). This long-standing tradition is a humble attempt to echo the great renewal we celebrate at Easter, as Jesus defeated death and began the process of making all things new. By giving sacrificially to these projects, we hope to continue the renewal of God’s people around the world. Each project is connected to Tenth global partners who minister to people currently experiencing great need. There are […]

Renewing Hope Mar 5 ⋅ by Julia K.

Every year, the Global Outreach Commission seeks projects for the Easter Sacrificial Offering (ESO) at Tenth. This long-standing tradition is a humble attempt to echo the great renewal we celebrate at Easter, as Jesus defeated death and began the process of making all things new. By giving sacrificially to these projects, we hope to continue the renewal of God’s people around the world. Each project is connected to Tenth global partners and ministers to people currently experiencing great need. Allow […]

Families in Worship Jan 16 ⋅ by Kelci Rose

“Let the little children come…” (Matthew 19:14). Though important religious leaders, government officials, and all manner of adults crowded and pressed in day after day, Jesus opened his arms to the littlest and welcomed and blessed them. At Tenth, we desire to have this same heart. For in a real sense, they are our children. At baptism, we as a congregation receive and acknowledge them as part of our covenant community. Further, we commit to aiding the parents in their […]

Redemption’s Happy Dawn Dec 19 ⋅ by Colin Howland

Perhaps more than any other holiday, Christmas gives us an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those we know. The mass marketing of Christmas items, the holiday meals and gatherings in our homes and workplaces, the opportunity to give gifts and cards, these and many other things present openings to invite people to consider Jesus. Think about it, how often will someone ask you in the next several weeks, “what are you doing for the holidays […]